NdlDistribuzione – Saussure according to his own words – A concordance to the Italian translation of Notes personnelles de Ferdinand de Saussure sur la linguistique générale
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Saussure according to his own words
A concordance to the Italian translation of Notes personnelles de Ferdinand de Saussure sur la linguistique générale

Author:  Domenico Russo
Aracne, 2023
ISBN: 979-12-218-0601-4
Formato: 17 x 24
Pagine: 1076
Area 10 - Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche
Scritti inediti di linguistica generale is the Italian translation of Notes personnelles de Ferdinand de Saussure sur la linguistique générale carried out by Tullio De Mauro on the basis of Rudolf Engler’s full diplomatic edition. The Notes personnelles edited by Tullio De Mauro in Scritti inediti are the text in which, for the first time in human thought, Saussure articulates the discovery of the elementary constituents of language, presenting them in a series of postulates, resulting in the axiomatization of linguistics. The statements that make up the Notes personnelles and therefore those that make up the Scritti inediti are very concise, highly technical, and rigorously formal statements. Indeed, we are talking here of a text quite incomprehensible on first reading. Without the aid of concordances that allow us to identify the notional density of the various constituents of language and hence the role that each of these has in the process of the axiomatization of linguistics, it is difficult for potential readers to understand the Scritti inediti, all the more so if they are young, budding linguists. This work, therefore, renders this service to them.
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