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copertina 9783030686420 Political economy of palestine: critical, interdisciplinary, and decolonial perspectives

Political economy of palestine: critical, interdisciplinary, and decolonial perspectives

Autori:  Tariq Dana, Alaa Tartir, Timothy Seidel
Springer, 2021
ISBN: 978-3-030-68642-0
Formato: 17 x 24
Area 10 - Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche
This book explores the political economy of Palestine through critical, interdisciplinary, and decolonial perspectives, underscoring that an approach to economics that does not consider the political―a de-politicized economics―is inadequate to understanding the situation in occupied Palestine. A critical interdisciplinary approach to political economy challenges prevailing neoliberal logics and structures that reproduce racial capitalism, and explores how the political economy of occupied Palestine is shaped by processes of accumulation by exploitation and dispossession from both Israel and global business, as well as from Palestinian elites.
A decolonial approach to Palestinian political economy foregrounds struggles against neoliberal and settler colonial policies and institutions, and aids in the de-fragmentation of Palestinian life, land, and political economy that the Oslo Accords perpetuated, but whose histories of de-development over all of Palestine can be traced back for over a century. The chapters in this book offer an in-depth contextualization of the Palestinian political economy, analyze the political economy of integration, fragmentation, and inequality, and explore and problematize multiple sectors and themes of political economy in the absence of sovereignty.
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